Preaching Materials

Preaching from the Pulpit of Your Life

Welcome – we hope you will find the resources we have provided to be useful to you in your Chapters and in your ministries as you preach the Word of God from the ‘Pulpits of your Lives’. As Dominicans, we share a passion for the Word and like Saint Dominic, we seek to share our passion with those who are hungry to hear the Good News.

In ‘Why Preach‘, you will find a series of articles we have used over the years in both our personal study and our times of study together in community. We will continue to add articles when possible and invite you to contribute articles you feel would be of interest to other Dominicans. To send us your articles for consideration, please click here.

Beggars of the Word‘ is a beautiful article written by one of our Dominican mentors, Brian Pierce, OP. He shares the three basic ingredients which must be brought together to ensure that the word we bring to others as we preach is truly led by the Spirit.

I Put the Words in Your Mouth, also written by Brian Pierce, OP is a Preacher’s Manual and the guideline that our Community has used in our Spirituality of the Preacher Retreat.



Why Preach: Spirituality of the Preacher Prayer & Study Journal

beggarsBeggars of the Word by Brian Pierce, OP
iputmywordsI Put My Words in Your Mouth by Brian Pierce, OP