T Minus 5 Days and Counting . . .

Dominican Crosses and Pins have been ordered and have arrived.  Scapulars–everyday small and Formal Dress–are sewn and ready to go.  The Rule and Directory are copied and bound for distribution.  Liturgy scripts have been copied and bound.  Dry runs of the Rites have been gone over with the celebrant and the choir master, who is perfecting a composition based on the “O Lumen” to be sung at the Offertory.  Pew copies of the Rites for Inquirers and Candidates are ready.

It would seem everything is in its place for the celebrating of the Dominican Rites. Which is a good thing because that gives us time to reflect to make sure we ourselves have everything in its place in our minds, hearts, and souls.  The imperative to be prepared for the Rites is all the more intensified with the Gospel Reading for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.  Christ calls us out to abandon everything to follow him–or does he?

The answer is the classic Catholic “both/and.”  Christ’s disciples must abandon the world as a means to leave space for God to work in them so that God can work through them in the world.  If God is not a priority in the life of the disciple, then God cannot work through them for the benefit of their neighbor.  Is this not the core of Lay Dominican life with its clarion call for voluntary poverty?  Does not Dominican life pivot on a strong drive for liturgical prayer simply because liturgical prayer takes us out of the world and keeps us in the Church?  Are we not orientated at all times for mission to go out from the Church to the world preaching the salvation of souls and conversion of sinners through the actions of our lives and sometimes our words?

So much to think about–to study.  So much to pray about–especially when the Dominican Rites collide with this extremely challenging Gospel Reading.  Thank you, Holy Spirit!

I am not going to say I am ready.  Many years ago, I had an Augustinian priest for a spiritual director and he taught me the value of Augustinian realism.  Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  So I will say only that I am prepared.  God will decide if I am ready.

T minus five days and counting . . .


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